Launching Contextual Advertising

When an entrepreneur puts his accounting department in safe hands, finds helpers to solve problems with the bank and prepare contracts, he sleeps better, but he still has a lot to do. Business is always faced with the task of ensuring a constant flow of new clients. This requires advertising.

We understand what advertising means for business and how many difficulties an entrepreneur may have on his way. Therefore, we hurry to share with you valuable material from our partner K50 – certified advertising specialist.

This time we will consider contextual advertising. The guys will explain in simple language what it is, who and in what cases can use, and also give references to the express-instructions which will allow to adjust your first advertising campaigns on steps. And inside the readers are waiting for a gift.

What is contextual advertising

In 2018, the Internet became the largest advertising channel on the Russian market for the first time, displacing television to the second place.

Today, there are a huge number of ad formats that can be used to advertise their products or services. Contextual advertising – a type of advertising on the Internet that adjusts to your context – real or past requests.

For example, if you plan a trip and study the country on different sites, the system may think that you are interested in suitcases, and will show you advertising.

Contextual advertising is shown in 2 cases:

  • the user has entered a search query for which the goods or services are advertised;
  • the user corresponds to the audience, which is specified in the settings of advertising campaigns.

Advantages of contextual advertising

  • The Internet has a target audience for all areas of business.
  • The opportunity to address the target audience at a glance.
  • A huge variety of advertising formats.
  • Clear and transparent payment system.
  • Low entrance price threshold – you can start with a budget of 1000 ₽.
  • Huge and flexible opportunities for analysis and evaluation of results.

Types of advertising in context

A publicity campaign to find

Displayed among the results in response to a user’s search query in the search engine. The ad is marked with the “Advertising” icon. Not all users notice this. Most of them will follow the links, as they are the first in the list. Contextual advertising will work, and its customer will receive the visitor to his site.

Who fits?

  • If you have formed a demand – the audience already knows about the product or service that you provide, and now determined with the place of purchase.
  • For hot demand – the audience needs to solve their problem here and now. These are car evacuation services, urgent repairs, food delivery services. That’s why, for topics with high demand, advertising in search is the main, and sometimes the only source of customers.

What is necessary to launch?

Collect a semantic core – an ordered set of words, their morphological forms and word combinations, which most accurately characterize the type of activity, goods or services offered by the site. Simply put, it is necessary to pick up the words on which we will promote the site.

Dynamic advertising campaigns based on the price list

These are advertising campaigns in which ads are automatically created. The settings contain a link to the price list in a special format YML, which contains information about the name of the product, availability, price, links to its image and links to the site.

This data is used by the system to generate ads. Dynamic ads can be created based on the content of your site, but the best result is achieved by using the price list.

Dynamic campaigns can be created in many ways:

  • Yandex. Market

Separate advertising platform. If you own an online store, pay attention to this resource. Don’t forget to check if your competitors are there. By the number of competitors in the category you can determine the popularity of the products you sell.

  • Yandex Direct

In Yandex, the type of advertising is called Smart Banners – interactive banners, shown as a result of normal search, do not need to move to another site. Their feature is that the user shows the goods that he looked at your site.

  • Google Ads

Google Dynamic Remarketing is an analogue of smart banners in Yandex. In contrast, they are shown without images.

  • Searching RK based on templates

Tool K50: The generator allows you to launch advertising campaigns in both Yandex Direct and Google AdWords. As well as the tools above it works on the basis of price list of YML format.

The advantages of the Generator:

  • Unlike automatic tools, it allows you to create ads that the user sees in advance;
  • you can define in advance the phrases that the user enters, and then sees the ads. Usually, the phrases, which will be shown ads, define the advertising sites;
  • the ability to set the structure of the RK and point to point and edit ads.

Who’s good for?

All online stores.

What do I need to run?

Price list of YML format. We recommend using any type of price list.
Smart banners and dynamic remarketing require the installation of e-commerce codes and Google dynamic remarketing, respectively.

The codes track which products your potential customers have interacted with. This allows you to advertise exactly those products that the user viewed, but did not buy from you on your site.

R.S.U. and C.M.S.U.

It is deciphered as follows: RSN is an advertising network of Yandex, and KMS is a contextual-media network of Google. Advertising in this case is shown on various sites-partners networks, if the subject matter corresponds to the interests of the user. The ad consists of a title, text, links, additional elements and can contain images.

Advertising systems themselves determine who and when to show your ads based on the following technologies: Context targeting. Ads are shown as a result of the content of the pages of partner websites Yandex or Google with the settings and keywords in the advertising system. Behavioral targeting.

Advertising systems take into account the user’s behavior on the Internet, remember which queries he or she has entered in the search, and then use this information to display the corresponding advertisement

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